About Us

Cashflow.io is a B2B back-office solution that gives SMEs greater control over their cashflow. Our easy-to-use cloud-based tools allow users to eliminate late payments and win more business. By making it as easy as possible to move money and secure financing, we give business owners the confidence to navigate turbulence and seize every growth opportunity.

Based out of our headquarters in Montreal, our mission is to empower SMEs with the cash flow and confidence to grow.

Cashflow.io is a B2B back-office solution that gives SMEs greater control over their cashflow. Our easy-to-use cloud-based tools allow users to eliminate late payments and win more business. By making it as easy as possible to move money and secure financing, we give business owners the confidence to navigate turbulence and seize every growth opportunity.

Based out of our headquarters in Montreal, our mission is to empower SMEs with the cash flow and confidence to grow.

Our Story


Late Payments

In early 2020, we launched a virtual terminal for easy credit card payments. We aimed to solve common issues for business customers and kept refining our approach based on their feedback. Business owners appreciated being able to offer multiple payment options but struggled with collecting late payments. By late 2020, we identified the root causes: treating payment as the final transaction step, a disconnect post-invoice, and unnecessarily long payment terms in a credit-rich environment. Our findings revealed that 50% of invoices are paid late, often by up to 14 days, indicating a flawed system. The system is broken.

In early 2020, we launched a virtual terminal for easy credit card payments. We aimed to solve common issues for business customers and kept refining our approach based on their feedback. Business owners appreciated being able to offer multiple payment options but struggled with collecting late payments. By late 2020, we identified the root causes: treating payment as the final transaction step, a disconnect post-invoice, and unnecessarily long payment terms in a credit-rich environment. Our findings revealed that 50% of invoices are paid late, often by up to 14 days, indicating a flawed system. The system is broken.

In early 2020, we launched a virtual terminal for easy credit card payments. We aimed to solve common issues for business customers and kept refining our approach based on their feedback. Business owners appreciated being able to offer multiple payment options but struggled with collecting late payments. By late 2020, we identified the root causes: treating payment as the final transaction step, a disconnect post-invoice, and unnecessarily long payment terms in a credit-rich environment. Our findings revealed that 50% of invoices are paid late, often by up to 14 days, indicating a flawed system. The system is broken.


B2B Transactions

The conventional business culture to accept "a late payment is better than no payment at all” and “hold on to the cash as long as possible” is not going to change over night. We created flexible features that did not force business owners to do business differently, but rather a toolbox to do business any which way. We introduced eQuote, payment requests and pre-authorized debit tools. All these tools combined, results in unprecedented DATA & VISIBILITY into business transactions.

The conventional business culture to accept "a late payment is better than no payment at all” and “hold on to the cash as long as possible” is not going to change over night. We created flexible features that did not force business owners to do business differently, but rather a toolbox to do business any which way. We introduced eQuote, payment requests and pre-authorized debit tools. All these tools combined, results in unprecedented DATA & VISIBILITY into business transactions.



We told hundreds of our FREE users that Cashflow was launching commercially with a 3 tier usage based pricing model as of June 2022.  In the following months, we were happy to learn that 95% of our FREE users converted to monthly PAID users.  A great sign that we were providing true value to our business customers.  We took this as motivation to further improve and expand our platform features.

We told hundreds of our FREE users that Cashflow was launching commercially with a 3 tier usage based pricing model as of June 2022.  In the following months, we were happy to learn that 95% of our FREE users converted to monthly PAID users.  A great sign that we were providing true value to our business customers.  We took this as motivation to further improve and expand our platform features.


Payables V1

We launched our V1 Payables feature that focused on sending payments to suppliers with domestic bank transfers.  We added a Bill Management feature that allowed businesses to upload, of forward by email, invoiced bills to be paid in one central location, scanned and ready to be paid on-time. In November, we signed a partnership with a major international cross border services provider.  Our business customers would soon be able to send payments in over 150 currencies via international bank transfers.

We launched our V1 Payables feature that focused on sending payments to suppliers with domestic bank transfers.  We added a Bill Management feature that allowed businesses to upload, of forward by email, invoiced bills to be paid in one central location, scanned and ready to be paid on-time. In November, we signed a partnership with a major international cross border services provider.  Our business customers would soon be able to send payments in over 150 currencies via international bank transfers.


The Future

Further improvements to our receivables and payables automation features.  The focus will be to build on our V1 Payables solutions to become a viable Domestic and International payment's services provider in both the United States and Canada.

Stay tuned for more!

Further improvements to our receivables and payables automation features.  The focus will be to build on our V1 Payables solutions to become a viable Domestic and International payment's services provider in both the United States and Canada.

Stay tuned for more!

Our Vision

Faites du flux de trésorerie la partie la plus facile de la gestion d'une entreprise.

Faites du flux de trésorerie la partie la plus facile de la gestion d'une entreprise.

ENVOYER. RECEVOIR. FINANCER. Cela devrait être facile.

ENVOYER. RECEVOIR. FINANCER. Cela devrait être facile.

After all, payment is the benefit of a successfully executed business transaction. Settling up shouldn't cost us time, and it certainly shouldn't cost us money.

But for many small and medium-sized businesses, moving money is more than just a headache. Cash flow problems are all too often the causal agents in the demise of an otherwise promising business. So, what gives?

Le système de paiement B2B est cassé.

Vous ne sortiriez pas d'un magasin sans payer vos courses. Et pourtant, payer en retard pour des services rendus ou des produits livrés est devenu une pratique tellement acceptée entre partenaires commerciaux qu'elle tue désormais jusqu'à 50 000 petites entreprises chaque année.

En plus de cela, les statistiques de l'industrie ont révélé ce qui suit :

Nous croyons en une meilleure façon.

Il est clair que le processus obsolète basé sur papier pour soumettre les factures une fois le travail terminé ne fonctionne pas. Cela laisse les entreprises à la merci de leurs clients, même une fois les termes d'un accord remplis. Et le temps et l'argent que les entreprises continuent d'investir dans le traitement des factures et la poursuite des paiements menacent sans aucun doute leur croissance.

À propos de nous Question
À propos de nous Question

Nous nous sommes posé trois questions:

Avons-nous vraiment besoin de factures dans un monde de paiements numériques ?

Pourquoi devons-nous demander à être payés après avoir livré?

Le paiement ne devrait-il pas être dû exactement selon les conditions de paiement ?

Il est temps de changer notre façon de penser aux transactions commerciales. En améliorant le processus dans son ensemble, de la soumission au paiement, au lieu de considérer les paiements comme une réflexion après coup, nous pouvons transformer complètement les perspectives des PME dans plusieurs industries.

C'est l'avenir que nous construisons avec Cashflow.io. En automatisant les paiements dans le cadre d'un accord initial, nous sommes en mesure de prévenir complètement les retards de paiement et d'alléger cette pression inutile sur les PME. Cela leur permet non seulement de naviguer dans la turbulence, mais aussi de saisir toutes les opportunités de croissance qui se présentent.

La révolution des paiements numériques nous permet de corriger les erreurs du passé et d'offrir à nos clients professionnels une solution de gestion des comptes clients entièrement intégrée pour leurs transactions commerciales, de la soumission au paiement. Ne poursuivez plus jamais un client pour un paiement en retard !

Nous voyons un avenir dans lequel aucun paiement n'est envoyé ou reçu en retard à nouveau.

En adoptant la révolution des paiements numériques, en automatisant les transactions commerciales et en permettant aux entreprises de réellement gagner de l'argent grâce à leur processus de paiement, nous croyons que nous pouvons ouvrir une nouvelle ère de possibilités pour les PME.

Carte À Propos De Nous
Carte À Propos De Nous


Prévenir les retards de paiement

Automatisez les comptes débiteurs en utilisant des eQuotes et intégrez la facturation dans vos accords de commande d'achat.


Augmentez votre flux de trésorerie

Avec des créances automatisées au sein de vos accords, obtenez des prêts à court terme pour livrer des commandes.


Gagner plus d'affaires

Offrez des modalités de paiement plus flexibles pour remporter des commandes d'achat en sachant que vos créances seront automatisées.